Monday 18 February 2013

My winter break (part 1)

Assalamualaikum, hello :)

So winter break already over last week, baru nak buat post hari ni kan, haha. What did I do during my break? Well, my friends & I went for Europe trip! Yay! Best gila I tell you. Altho mcm byk jgk la dugaan & halangan semua2 tu kisah suka dan duka, but if I had to redo all of it all over again, I'd do it, seriously. Hahah.

We started our journey on 27th Jan, departing from Cairo Airport to Heathrow Airport London, transit at Amsterdam for 2 hours. We were in London for 4 days. Sebab malas nak cerita semua, so I'll just letak isi2 penting je eh? Haha mcm karangan pulok.

Ist day.
This is our shopping day!!! Weehooo. Kitorang sampai hotel at noon. Adat resam negara musim sejuk ni, kedai selalu tutup awal. Sebab around 5 pm tu kan dah mula gelap kan. Kalau nak jalan mana pun tak menarik sgt, Kalau nak jalan boleh, tp tak dapat byk tempat la, so kitorang reserve the day for shopping instead hehehehe. One of my friend had invited her friends to come over, dorang mcm reunion la kan, whatever nak dipendekkan cerita dorang ni la bawak kitorang tunjuk2 jalan hehehe. We went to the Oxford Street of course, the famous place for shooping. Dah pung pang pung pang shopping, malam tu dorang bawak kitorang dinner dekat China Town Halal Shop. Sodap wa cakap sama lu hahaha. Oh fes day tak byk gamba sebab semua orang eager sgt smpai Oxford Street tu smpai tak igt nak amek gambar dah haha

Najah's friends!

The Oxford Street

China Town

2nd day!
Bangun pagi2 breakfast semua. Around 9.30am kitorang gerak kelua. Kali ni jalan sendiri2, dah tau dah mcmne nk guna tubes, trains & buses dia. Very easy, effective & conveniant too. Rasa malu la dgn KTM & buses kat Msia hahaha. Ok whatever it is, one the second day ni kitorang jalan sendiri2 je. The places we went are mostly the famous places la kan of course, haha dah kata tourist.

The Big Ben!

Trafalgar Square


Guard change at Bukingham Palace

Pose poseee haha

Mana Prince William & Kate niiii

Ape entah nama tempat ni haha

Dinner at Malaysian Hall!

Late night supper

Girls hangouttt

3rd day.
Ok utk 3rd day ni kitorang ade guna London Pass. Kire beli 1 pass, and u can use it to enter the places yg kena bayar, ade ikut list of the places yg valid la kan. Best guna ni, tp kitorang beli utk 1day je, & there are sooooo many places yg ade, with sooo little time, so tak puas. Kalau beli pass yg utk 6 hari I really think it will be worth it. Se here's the places:

Churchill Museum

Mellinium Bridge I think?

Monument ape ntah haha

The Haunted Housee!

Dinner at China Town, again haha
4th day (last day)
First thing kitorang check out dulu, nak elak kena extra charge ke apa kan haha. Pastu around 11am kot baru gerak. Last day ni kitorang jalan2 tempat yg dekat2, yg xsempat pegi hari sblm tu. It was fun la sebab masing2 tau kot that is the last day kt London kan, semua mcm nak having fun je haha. Berjalan sampai malam sebab next flight kitorang at 6am the next day, ha hamek. haha mmg bermalam kat airport la kitorang mlm tu. 

Tower Bridge London

Fish & chips time!

Birdy birdyy

Double decker spotted!


Ni la masanya, haha 


Being formal with the royal family haha

Let It Be lalala

Dalam bus pun bolehh

So that's it! Our London journey haha. Malam tu pukul 10pm kitorang gerak ke airport, bermalam kat situ & at 6am the next day depart to Poland! Our next destination! On the next post la ek. Penat pulak. Igt nak cerita semua kat 1 post, tp London ni je dah berjela, haha. Next post pasal Poland & Prague pulak ok? Tunggu mood rajin datangla mcmtu hihi! Till then readers, have a good day! :)

p/s: header dah tuka yay! Setelah berzaman haha


nabila azmi said... pki kamera ape erk jdi mcm bulat2 gmbr.hehe

Amalina Zainal said...

Camera izzy, dia pakai lens fish eye hehe.

nabila azmi said...

ooooo mcm tu..cntik=)

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