Tuesday 17 April 2012

Inspired & 9gag


Sape cakap main 9gag is a waste of time? Well maybe its true, but somehow.. 9gag is a place where people from all over the world connect and talking to each other. Making jokes and sarcasm.. which is of course funny haha. Ok I gotta stop talking bout 9gag.

I dont know its just that 9gag is some kind of drug or somthing becoz once you open the website, there is no turning back. Ahahah. well I am one of the fans of 9gag since whennnn, hmmm I cant even remember, last year or something, ok whatever.

9gag is actually good in certain ways, you know.. I mean there are lots of facts or knowledge which sometimes we never heard about it posted in there. So the key is that YOU have to be smart to choose which post to read, NOT to read all, because of course like I said, it is surely undeniably a waste of time.

Ok back to my point. While I was making use of my time wisely ( hehehehe ) I found this inspirational post which I would like to share to you :)

It is something to think about right? Because people nowadays are too mainstream. Orang beli barang baru, semua orang nak barang baru. Orang sume pakai brand tu, dia pun nak brand tu. We almost forgot what WE actually needed. *pesanan utk diri sendiri jugak (^,^)"*

Sorry I forget to copy the link of this post, but you can always find it hereeee ahaha. Ok thats all for today. Till next time! :)

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