Sunday 8 April 2012

21, I am

Assalamualaikum. Haiiiii :)

While typing this post, I am officially 21! Haha dah lama padahal, its on the 12 March yang lepas, dah dekat sebulan, so what, Im writting this too late? Im a busy girl haha. 

So, yes, yay for me! Hehe, bukan yay for getting older, but yay for a new day ahead. Yelaa, takkan nak sedih pulak, bukan dapat jadi muda balik kan? Life goes on and on.. positive kannn! :D

How's the celebration? Jeng jeng jeng.. hehe. Malam sebelum 12 tu.. at about 10pm, my lovely housemate tutup all the lampu inside the house, 'ambushed' my room, and nyanyi lagu birthday.. well, tu dah macam tradisi rumah ni dahh, haha. They brought a chocolate cupcake with one candle on top of it. At first I was suprised, I didnt expect them to come that early, tapi bagus jugak la sebenarnya, sebab I was still in my jet lag mood that time. So 10 pm was nice.

The next day, which was the 12th. Celik2 mata, pegang handphone, because of the alarm. Tutup alarm dulu. Tengok ada msg from my dad and from Cik Vly. Haha pagi2 celik terus mata. Segar terus sebab teringat 'ohh today is my birthday', hehe. Solat Subuh semua, sempat online kejap, then get ready for class at 8am. Ohh and I was not feeling good for the whole week due to flu, sore throat and some fever. Luckily the fever was not came in package, I didnt have any dizziness for whatever, just an elevated body temp :P

Sampai kelas, kawan2 wish semua, the habes kelas, balik rumah. Everything was normal. Tapi I didnt mind, sebab memang tak expect la nak special2 ke ape kan, sebab sume orang pon busy, I did understand that. Seriously. But one of my friend did invited me for dinner at her house, so without any hesitation I said yes :D

Petang tu tusyen Microb.. mcm biasa jugak. Bla bla bla, the habes tusyen. Pegi rumah kawan ni directly la. Macam biasa jugak. Beli air bawak buah tangan sket, then I arrived. Sampai depan pintu tu mcm suspicious, sebab dga cam bising2. But I thot maybe salah dengar ke ape, ignore je. Bila masuk je, TARAAAAAAA all of my friend was there, like 12 girls! Haha and they were singing the birthday song together. I was.. I dont know, undescribable feelings mixed up. Surprised? Of course. Touched and rasa malu pun ada. Ahaha.

Red Velvet Cake
Cute Cupcakes

Rupa2nya they have it all planned since 2 days before. Serious rasa nanges snanye time tu, tapi malu la ramai orang, mcm drama pulak. So I faked a smile nak cover terharu tu haha. They have prepared a steamboat party for me! And a red velvet cake and some beautiful cupcakes with my name on it ehehehe! Yay. I was overly happy that night, banyak cakap, banyak gelak, sampai my sore throat getting worse, mcm luka dah rasa. Haha padan muka tak sedar dri kan. Balik malam tu terus minum air panas suma, and get ready to sleep.



Muka tua -___________-"

Ok so that's it, my birthday celebration. Million thanks to all my friends - Kat, Add, Eein, Tyqa, Jojo, Fadia, Izzati, Izzy, Najah, Fariha, Syira, Opie, Amy - Walaupun they may not read my blog, haha but still thank youuu for being the best! Hehe love youu all! Muacks! Hahaha.

That's all for now, till next time, byee :)

1 comment:

nabila azmi said...

hehe....belated beday yg awesomela=)..

umur je meningkt.awet mude kan...wee..=)=)

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