Friday 13 April 2012

Blood type and personality

Assalamualaikum, g'day people! Hehe!

Eh rasa pelik kan, baru je post aritu ni post lagi. Haha selalu punya susah nak post smthing. Ni la namenya 'syndrome nak dekat exam'. Laptop ni benda yang paling best time nak exam. Tiba2 time ni la sume bnde2 best nak kua kat laptop, haha. Tak caya? Try it urself :D

So, while I was surfing around, I found these interesting facts. Taktau la kesahihan dia sume kan, but still, doesnt hurt to know.... :P

The first picture ; anger management for all type of blood. Mine is AB, Im not saying that what the picture describes is 100% correct. But, I have to admit, I am one of the kind that rarely express my anger. Maybe because Im not easily getting mad or somthing, but when I do, jaranglaaa orang nak tauu, certain people je. Ada je I got mad and everybody knows, but I talking about most of the time. So yeah judge me. Tapi sekarang mcm dah makin rendah threshold nak marah tu, haha I dont know, maybe sebab stress, weather or anything, kdg2 cepat je rasa panas. Lajuuu je setan nak hasut bg org marah. Aish. 

Ok this second picture pulak cakap pasal the way of studying for the 4 types of blood. As for me, ape yg gmba tu cakap mmg more or less 80% correct, haha. I mean seriously, I CANNOT BURN THE MIDNIGHT OIL, SERIOUSLY (nada penekanan di situ) Bukti? Well ask my schoolmates or housemates sume, jarang la nak stay up malam2 ni. Sebab entah, first sbb suka nantok. Haha kalau ikut belaja Pharmacology, sebeb chemical transmitter GABA byk..haha sukehati aku je.

Ikut la korang nak pecaya ke tak. Kalau rasa salah tu, sila la abaikan. I share this just because I thought it is interesting and fun. On and Im having my pharmacology exam by the end of this month. Do pray for me, please. Hehe. Alrite peeps, thats all for now. Till next time, have a good week or maybe weeks :P


fify manz said...

eh eh..blood type kta btol je facts tu..haha!btw good luck exam.. ^_^

nabila azmi said...

hehe...fun2..good luck!!

lavenderlover said...

so interesting...hehe..=)
selamat study! nk exam dah..cepat je ms berlalu kan mel..

Amalina Zainal said...

Fy : Haha welcome to the club! Thankyouu :)

Nabila & Lavander : Thankyouuu korang jgk, hehe all the best :)

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