Its been like 2 weeks, ehh? Tak update blog ni. Just finished my practical exams last Friday. So how was it? Haha dont ask.
Remember the last time I told about my practical exam? Alaaa yang pasal physiology, the doctor was asking me about the blood tu. Yang dengan selambanya I just smiled-buat-muke-comel-yang-tak-comel-pun. Haha well this year, it was better la kot? Haha sebab the doctor kali ni macam dah penat kot, so die tak tanya banyak. Thee hee alhamdulillah, rezeki. Yang ni aku nak cerita. :D
So this time, before enter the practical room, kitorang kene cabut undi, dapat meja berapa. I was so nervous that time because I didnt manage to study the practical, ade part2 I skipped. Yela, takde gap sehari pun between the exams. Haha padan muke cuak macam orang gila.
When I was waiting for the doctor to came, I tried to answer some quest on the paper in front of me. Dapat pulak vision test. Pasal Ishihara test tu. Alaaaa the one yang time buat ujian comp for driving license tu kan, ade yang last2 part tu kene tengok num dekat kaler pelik2 tu. Haaa this one!
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Ishihara chart |
Bertuah kan, I got this one. Memang macam lega mula2, tapi cuak jugak kang doc nak tanya merapu2, ape nak jawab? Memang doaa jela. Time tu ade lagi sorang kawan, tengah tunggu doctor datang jugak. So bincang2 la jugak kan.
When the doctor came, first she sat down. And I was like 'err assalamualaikum doctor'. Doctor tu macam dah old la kan, die cakap macam tak dengar sgt. So tak tau die jawab ke tak.
While I was waiting for my friend beside me being asked, I just standing macam tengah nyanyi lagu Negaraku. Dahla doctor salah, die igt aku dpt num same mcm kawan aku, she got knee jerk. Naye je kene tnye free2.
Okey skip that part, bile dah sampai turn aku, doc tu pandang. Then she asked ; how to conduct this test?
Aku teringat ade doctor penah cakap, kalau utk practical exam, the most important thing is be presentable. So aku dengan confident la terang.
'Okey doctor, this we have Ishihara test which is use to test colour vision of a person. First, we ask the person to look at this chart and tell us the num he or she sees. Usually this test is for people who is getting their driving license'
Tudiaa tunggang terbalik grammer aku, hahak. Lantak la, asal confident. :D
Lepas tu doctor tu angguk. And I was like waiting for the next quest, tapi die tnya pulak kawan kt sbela. Okey la, tunggu mane tau nak gilir2 jawab soalan kan. Dah habes jawab tu die cakap, 'okey you may go.'
Okey? *terkejut, satu soalan je doc?* Ohh okey *legaa, alhamdulillah* :)
Tu pasal physio, yang lain mcm biase je, cume beze physio ni jumpa doctor, yang lain tu ade tengok human jars, buat test & experiment, tengok slides of cell. Hehe tu macam best, thrill sikit jumpe doctor. Hihi. Thrill la sangat sampai menggeletar lutut aku sebelum masuk tu. =,="
Till next time! Ohh and this week I am having my skeet exams, tadi baru lepas physio. Lusa biochem pulak. Hehe wish me luck, and pray for me okey! Bye! :)
1 comment:
wahh..rezeki of luck dear=)
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