Friday, 21 June 2013


9 essential tips for medical students:

1. Cramming is bad. Everyone does it, but it doesn’t help you learn. Learning is understanding the concepts, not memorizing the words.

2. Avoid study groups. There are always people in a class who study together. They always interrupt each other’s studying with unrelated questions.

3. Focus, dammit. Turn off your internet connection. Shut down your computer. Don’t even take it with you. Stop checking your e-mail messages on your phone.

4. Get copies of old tests. This is very important! Most professors are not industrious enough to create new questions for each exam. And there are only so many questions you can ask about the same topic. Therefore, many questions are repeated.

5. Don’t get down on yourself. You’re going to do poorly on tests. You don’t need great grades in every subject to be a decent doctor. Trust me.

6. Learn what medicine is all about. Don’t just stick to the textbooks. Read journal articles or medical blogs about topics that interest you.

7. You’re not a doctor. Don’t act like one. Try to be immune to the allure of being called “doctor. People will ask you for medical advice. Tell them you aren’t a doctor and you don’t know.

8. Don’t forget your family. Your family is proud as heck of you for making it into medical school. Call them once in a while. Better yet, write them an e-mail and send pictures. Chances are that they sacrificed a lot so that you could go to medical school.

9. Set aside a day to relax. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Make friends and have fun. It’s a school, not a prison.

Friday, 10 May 2013

I'm gonna be an aunt!!!

Assalamualaikum hello!

Its been a long time eh. Tahap pemalas yang taktau nak cakap mcmne lagiii, ni baru terasa rajin sebab perut kenyang ok tu takde kena mengena.

Lately ni selalu jugak la on skype dgn abah (ceyyy selalu jugakk, padahal hari hari haha) & I keep asking him about baby Kak Wani.

"Abah kak Wani dah scan ke?"
"Dah tau laki ke perempuan ke?"
"Dah dah berapa bulan sekarang?"
"Nanti dia labour kat mana?"
"Dia cuti lama tak nanti?"
"Due dat dia bila?"
"Eeee dah 6 bulan dia dah ada kening dgn bulu mata!"
"Alaa suruh laa dia scann, nak beli baju utk babyyy"

Abah nak jawab pun dah penat, last2 abah cakap "biarlah dia busy, hari tu scan tak dapat tengok laki ke perempuan. nanti keluar kita tau la"

Tak membantu!

But luckily the due date tu lepas I balik Msia nanti, so hooooorayyy!! Boleh la tengok the whole process and if I can, I am thinking nak masuk the labour room and see it for myself. Tapi taktau berani ke tak haha kena beranikan diri la nak jadi O&G specialist nnt and kak Wani will be my first experience! Haa cool kann hehehe

Anywayssss I am super overly excited nak tunggu baby tu keluar hahaha I even bought 2 baby shirts masa kt London arituu hehehe both sex can wear it la of cos. Every time I passed by any kedai baby ni mesti browsing around the clothes. All of them were super cute! Esp baju baby girl. Arghh

As for me, I'd prefer baby boy to be my first child kot. Sbb nanti dia boleh protect his adik2 hehehehe! Tapi kalao dapat baby girl pon okayy, boleh jadi I punya kawan teman berborak gitewww

Ok la enuff cakap pasal baby. Nanti dia dah keluar, I am surely gonna post about it! Cant wait for the baby to keluarrrrr hahahahah mesti semua orang manjakan dia nanti sbb the first cucu kann hehe!

I wonder bila my turn nak dapat baby pulak? Uhuks! Ok till then! Byeee!!!

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

My 2 cents


Watched some videos on Youtube, pastu terbaca komen2 yang merunsingkan kepala aku. Ada yang dok mengutuk muka, mengutuk suara, mengutuk baju, condemn tu condemn ni, carut sana carut sini. 

I mean, why? 

Tak paham how can a person bagi comment macamtu to a stranger? Tak rasa bersalah ke? Rasa seronok, rasa for fun pegi kutuk kutuk orang? I really dont get it.

Kalau komen tu membina takpe jugak -,-

As for me, its okay kalau nak comment sbb awak tak suka ape orang tu buat, or awak rasa dia buat salah dalam ape yg dia post tu, tapi biar la bagi comment membina. Tegur elok2 and tell them how to change & how to do it correctly. Or the best way pegi inbox personally. Ni.. buat mcmtu dapat apa? Macam dia bagus sangat pfft-

Serious tak suka la orang buat mcmtu, macam orang dalam video tu takde perasaan pulak. Hello they ARE human, just like all of us. Benda ni bukan in youtube je, kat semua tempat yg boleh komen boleh jumpa orang2 yang suka komen harsh mcmtu.

Its disturbing, really.

It shows that they dont respect another human being. Biar la orang tu nak buat salah ke apa, mcmtu dia betul semua. Nanti bila time dia kena, nak orang respect dia, apa kes?

Cuba kalau org yg mengomen tu pulak kena bash macamtu, aku nak tengok ape reaksi dorang. Time mengutuk orang pandai.. 

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